Author: Petersenegmont



In the following memo, we look into ChatCPT, some of its applications and limitations. Beware that this technology evolves fast. Read the memo: WhitePaper_The_ChatGPT_Stream_4 You can use our form-interface to share a reaction to the memo.

Prioritize your daily work, online support

Time management – one the job we need prioritize what we do, every day. Our organizations expect us to manage our time efficiently. It all starts with planning your day. You need to get the important things done, postpone less prudent tasks, and in some cases delegate your own work to others. The average leader…
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New skills, new manager on the block

As a manager, you ask yourself – what will I be doing more over 12 months, over 5 years – and what will I do less. One thing is for certain – still more computer oriented skills are expected from the managers of tomorrow. In the 80-ties, managers embraced spread sheets – beginning of the…
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Covid 19 predictions – Dutch national data and classifiers

Much data regarding the spreading of Covid 19 has been collected since the begin of the epidemic in the early spring 2020. On the Dutch national site Dutch national data I found a data set that shows the spreading of Covid 19 during 2020 in the Netherlands. Variables included are month, Dutch province, gender, age category,…
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Rank sales leads – a journey with Insight Classifiers

Each morning I plan my day over a cup of coffee. Who am I going to mail today, who to a give a call? Which sales leads can better be postponed – how can I score sales leads? My daily goal is to sell life insurances. I’m an organized person so I keep track of…
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