Literature listing


Neural networks in image processing


Many of the articles listed here are reviewed in a paper that has appeared in Pattern Recognition in 2002:
M. Egmont-Petersen, D. de Ridder, H. Handels. "Image processing with neural networks - a review," Pattern Recognition, Vol. 35, No. 10, pp. 2279-2301, 2002.

Read the Abstract or download the Reprint.

Some of the references can be obtained on-line from the following site.

The following list contains references to journal articles on neural networks in image processing:

1.            H.M. Abbas, M.M. Fahmy, Neural networks for maximum likelihood clustering, Signal Processing 36 (1) (1994) 111-126.

2.            A. Adler, R. Guardo, A neural network image reconstruction technique for electrical impedance tomography, IEEE Transactions on Medical Imaging 13 (4) (1994) 594-600.

3.            M.N. Ahmed, A.A. Farag, Two-stage neural network for volume segmentation of medical images, Pattern Recognition Letters 18 (11-13) (1997) 1143-1151.

4.            C. Alippi, Real-time analysis of ships in radar images with neural networks, Pattern Recognition 28 (12) (1995) 1899-1913.

5.            C. Amerijckx, M. Verleysen, P. Thissen et al., Image compression by self-organized Kohonen map, IEEE Transactions on Neural Networks 9 (3) (1998) 503-507.

6.            R. Anand, K. Mehrotra, C.K. Mohan et al., Analyzing images containing multiple sparse patterns with neural networks, Pattern Recognition 26 (11) (1993) 1717-1724.

7.            D. Anguita, G. Parodi, R. Zunino, Associative structures for vision, Multidimensional Systems and Signal Processing 5 (1) (1994) 75-96.

8.            N. Ansari, Z.Z. Zhang, Generalised adaptive neural filters, IEE Electronics Letters 29 (4) (1993) 342-343.

9.            M. Antonucci, B. Tirozzi, N.D. Yarunin et al., Numerical simulation of neural networks with translation and rotation invatiant pattern recognition, International Journal of Modern Physics B 8 (11-12) (1994) 1529-1541.

10.        H. Arnarson, L.F. Pau, PDL-HM: Morphological and syntactic shape classification algorithm, Machine Vision and Applications 7 (2) (1994) 59-68.

11.        Armed Forces Communications and Electronics Association, DARPA neural network study, AFCEA, Fairfax, 1988.

12.        J.J. Atick, P.A. Griffin, A.N. Redlich, Statistical approach to shape from shading - reconstruction of 3-D face surfaces from single 2-D images, Neural Computation 8 (6) (1996) 1321-1340.

13.        N. Babaguchi, K. Yamada, K. Kise et al., Connectionist model binarization, International Journal of Pattern Recognition and Artificial Intelligence 5 (4) (1991) 629-644.

14.        G.P. Babu, M.N. Murty, Optimal thresholding using multi state stochastic connectionist approach, Pattern Recognition Letters 16 (1) (1995) 11-18.

15.        R.R. Bailey, M. Srinath, Orthogonal moment features for use with parametric and non-parametric classifiers, IEEE Transactions on Pattern Analysis and Machine Intelligence 18 (4) (1996) 389-399.

16.        R. Bajaj, Chaudhury, S., Signature verification using multiple neural classifiers, Pattern Recognition 30 (1) (1997) 1-7.

17.        P. Baldi, J. Hornik, Neural networks and principal component analysis: learning from examples without local minima, Neural Networks 2 (1) (1989) 53-58.

18.        J. Basak, B. Chanda, D.D. Majumder, On edge and line linking in graylevel images with connectionist models, IEEE Transactions on Systems, Man and Cybernetics 24 (3) (1994) 413-428.

19.        J. Basak, S.K. Pal, PsyCOP - A psychologically motivated connectionist system for object perception, IEEE Transactions on Neural Networks 6 (6) (1995) 1337-1354.

20.        J. Basak, S.K. Pal, A connectionist system for learning and recognition of structures - application to handwritten characters, Neural Networks 8 (4) (1995) 643-657.

21.        L. Bedini, A. Tonazzini, Image restoration preserving discontinuities: the Bayesian approach and neural networks, Image and Vision Computing 10 (2) (1992) 108-118.

22.        Y. Bengio, P. Simard, P. Frasconi, Learning long-term dependencies with gradient descent is difficult, IEEE Transactions on Neural Networks 5 (2) (1994) 157-166.

23.        E. Bertin, H. Bischof, P. Bertolino, Voronoi pyramids controlled by Hopfield neural networks, Computer Vision and Image Understanding 63 (3) (1996) 462-475.

24.        C.M. Bishop, Neural networks for pattern recognition, Oxford University Press, Oxford, 1995.

25.        W.E. Blanz, S.L. Gish, A real time image segmentation system using a connectionist classifier architecture, International Journal of Pattern Recognition and Artificial Intelligence 5 (4) (1991) 603-617.

26.        A.G. Bors, I. Pitas, Optical flow estimation and moving object segmentation based on median radial basis function network, IEEE Transactions on Image Processing 7 (5) (1998) 693-702.

27.        G.M.T. Brake, N. Karssemeijer, Single and multiscale detection of masses in digital mammograms, IEEE Transactions on Medical Imaging 18 (7) (1999) 628-639.

28.        G.M.T. Brake, N. Karssemeijer, J.H.C.L. Hendriks, An automatic method to discriminate malignant masses from normal tissue in digital mammograms, Physics in Medicine and Biology 45 (10) (2000) 2843-2857.

29.        R.W. Brause, M. Rippl, Noise suppressing sensor encoding and neural signal orthonormalization, IEEE Transactions on Neural Networks 9 (4) (1998) 613-628.

30.        J. Buhmann, J. Lange, C.v.d. Malsburg et al., Object recognition with Gabor functions in the dynamic link architecture - parallel implementation on a transputer network, in: Neural networks for signal processing, B. Kosko, ed., 1992, Prentice-Hall, Englewood Cliffs, NJ, pp. 121-160.

31.        C. Busch, M. Groß, Interactive neural network texture analysis and visualization for surface reconstruction in medical imaging, Proc. EUROGRAPHICS 1993, Barcelona, 1993, pp. C49-C60.

32.        G.A. Carpenter, S. Grossberg, A massively parallel architecture for a self organizing neural pattern recognition machine, Computer Vision, Graphics and Image Processing 37 (1) (1987) 54-115.

33.        G.A. Carpenter, W.D. Ross, ART-EMAP: A neural network architecture for object recognition by evidence accumulation, IEEE Transactions on Neural Networks 6 (4) (1995) 805-818.

34.        G.A. Carpenter, S. Grossberg, G.W. Lesher, The what-and-where filter - a spatial mapping neural network for object recognition and image understanding, Computer Vision and Image Understanding 69 (1) (1998) 1-22.

35.        C.A. Carson, J.M. Keller, K.K. McAdoo et al., Escherichia coli O157:H7 Restriction pattern recognition by artificial neural network, Journal of Clinical Microbiology 33 (11) (1995) 2894-2898.

36.        D. Casasent, L.M. Neiberg, M.A. Sipe, Feature space trajectory distorted object representation for classification and pose estimation, Optical Engineering 37 (3) (1998) 914-920.

37.        M. Cenci, C. Nagar, A. Vecchione, PAPNET-assisted primary screening of conventional cervical smears, Anticancer Research 20 (5C) (2000) 3887-3889.

38.        B.-B. Chai, Huang, T., Zhuang, X., Zhao, Y., Sklansky, J., Piecewise linear classifiers using binary tree structure and genetic algorithm, Pattern Recognition 29 (11) (1996) 1905-1917.

39.        H.-P. Chan, S.-C.B. Lo, B. Sahiner et al., Computer-aided detection of mammographic microcalcifications: Pattern recognition with an artificial neural network, Medical Physics 22 (10) (1995) 1555-1567.

40.        V. Chandrasekaran, M. Palaniswami, T.M. Caelli, Range image segmentation by dynamic neural network architecture, Pattern Recognition 29 (2) (1996) 315-329.

41.        S.H. Chang, G.H. Han, J.M. Valverde et al., Cork quality classification system using a unified image processing and fuzzy-neural network methodology, IEEE Transactions on Neural Networks 8 (4) (1997) 964-974.

42.        R.F. Chang, W.J. Kuo, D.R. Chen et al., Computer-aided diagnosis for surgical office-based breast ultrasound, Archives of Surgery 135 (6) (2000) 696-699.

43.        C.H. Chen, On the relationships between statistical pattern recognition and artificial neural networks, International Journal of Pattern Recognition and Artificial Intelligence 5 (4) (1991) 655-661.

44.        C.T. Chen, E.C. Tsao, W.C. Lin, Medical image segmentation by a constraint satisfaction neural network, IEEE Transactions on Nuclear Science 38 (2) (1991) 678-686.

45.        T.W. Chen, W.C. Lin, A neural network approach to CSG-based 3-D object recognition, IEEE Transactions on Pattern Analysis and Machine Intelligence 16 (7) (1994) 719-726.

46.        Q. Chen, M. Defrise, F. Deconinck, Symmetric phase-only matched filtering of Fourier-Mellin transforms for image registration and recognition, IEEE Transactions on Pattern Analysis and Machine Intelligence 16 (12) (1994) 1156-1168.

47.        K.S. Cheng, J.S. Lin, C.W. Mao, The application of competitive Hopfield neural network to medical image segmentation, IEEE Transactions on Medical Imaging 15 (4) (1996) 560-567.

48.        J. Chey, S. Grossberg, E. Mingolla, Neural dynamics of motion grouping - from aperture ambiguity to object speed and direction [review], Journal of the Optical Society of America A-Optics and Image Science 14 (10) (1997) 2570-2594.

49.        G.I. Chiou, J.N. Hwang, A neural network based stochastic active contour model (NNS- SNAKE) for contour finding of distinct features, IEEE Transactions on Image Processing 4 (10) (1995) 1407-1416.

50.        C. Chong, J. Jia, Assessments of neural network classifier output codings using variability of Hamming distance, Pattern Recognition Letters 17 (8) (1996) 811-818.

51.        S.S. Christensen, A.W. Andersen, T.M. Jørgensen et al., Visual guidance of a pig evisceration robot using neural networks, Pattern Recognition Letters 17 (4) (1996) 345-355.

52.        W.J. Christmas, J. Kittler, M. Petrou, Analytical approaches to the neural net architecture design, Proc. Pattern Recognition in Practice IV, Vlieland, 1994, pp. 325-335.

53.        W. Chua, L. Yang, Cellular networks: theory, IEEE Transactions on Circuits and Systems 35 (10) (1988) 1257-1272.

54.        W. Chua, L. Yang, Cellular networks: applications, IEEE Transactions on Circuits and Systems 35 (10) (1988) 1273-1290.

55.        P.C. Chung, C.T. Tsai, E.L. Chen et al., Polygonal approximation using a competitive Hopfield neural network, Pattern Recognition 27 (11) (1994) 1505-1512.

56.        J. Cornfield, Statistical classification methods, Proc. 2nd Conference on the diagnostic process, computer diagnosis and diagnostic methods, Chicago, 1972, pp. 108-130.

57.        G.H. Cottet, M. Elayyadi, A Volterra type model for image processing, IEEE Transactions on Image Processing 7 (3) (1998) 292-303.

58.        S.M. Courtney, L.H. Finkel, G. Buchsbaum, A multistage neural network for color constancy and color induction, IEEE Transactions on Neural Networks 6 (4) (1995) 972-985.

59.        J.M. Cruz, G. Pajares, J. Aranda et al., Stereo matching technique based on the perceptron criterion function, Pattern Recognition Letters 16 (9) (1995) 933-944.

60.        J.M. Cruz, G. Pajares, J. Aranda, A neural network model in stereovision matching, Neural Networks 8 (5) (1995) 805-813.

61.        W.R.M. Dassen, M. Egmont-Petersen, R.G.A. Mulleneers, Artificial neural networks in cardiology; a review, in: Cardiac Arrhythmias, Pacing & Electrophysiology, P.E. Vardas, ed., 1998, Kluwer Academic Publishers, London, pp. 205-211.

62.        J.G. Daugman, Complete discrete 2-D Gabor transforms by neural networks for image analysis and compression, IEEE Transactions on Acoustics, Speech and Signal Processing 36 (7) (1988) 1169-1179.

63.        D. de Ridder, R.P.W. Duin, P.W. Verbeek et al., The applicability of neural networks to non-linear image processing, Pattern Analysis and Applications 2 (2) (1999) 111-128.

64.        D. DeKruger, Hunt, B.R., Image processing and neural networks for recognition of cartographic area features, Pattern Recognition 27 (4) (1994) 461-483.

65.        A. Delopoulos, A. Tirakis, S. Kollias, Invariant image classification using triple-correlation-based neural networks, IEEE Transactions on Neural Networks 5 (3) (1994) 392-408.

66.        D. DeMers, G.W. Cottrell, Non-linear dimensionality reduction, Proc. Advances in Neural Information Processing Systems, 1993, pp. 580-587.

67.        J. Desachy, L. Roux, E.-H. Zahzah, Numeric and symbolic data fusion: A soft computing approach to remote sensing images analysis, Pattern Recognition Letters 17 (13) (1996) 1361-1378.

68.        S. Deschênes, Y. Sheng, P.C. Chevrette, Three-dimensional object recognition from two-dimensional images using wavelet transforms and neural networks, Optical Engineering 37 (3) (1998) 763-770.

69.        P.A. Devijver, J. Kittler, Pattern recognition: a statistical approach, Englewood Cliffs, London, 1982.

70.        J. DeVilliers, E. Barnard, Backpropagation neural nets with one and two hidden layers, IEEE Transactions on Neural Networks 4 (1) (1993) 136-141.

71.        W.P. Dewaard, Neural techniques and postal code detection, Pattern Recognition Letters 15 (2) (1994) 199-205.

72.        E. do Valle Simões, L.F. Uebel, D.A.C. Barone, Hardware implementation of RAM neural networks, Pattern Recognition Letters 17 (4) (1996) 421-429.

73.        R.D. Dony, S. Haykin, Optimally adaptive transform coding, IEEE Transactions on Image Processing 4 (10) (1995) 1358-1370.

74.        R.D. Dony, S. Haykin, Neural network approaches to image compression, Proceedings of the IEEE 83 (2) (1995) 288-303.

75.        I.E. Dror, M. Zagaeski, C.F. Moss, 3-D target recognition via sonar - a neural network model, Neural Networks 8 (1) (1995) 149-160.

76.        J.M.H. Du Buf, M. Kardan, M. Spann, Texture feature performance for image segmentation, Pattern Recognition 23 (3-4) (1990) 291-309.

77.        M. Egmont-Petersen, J.L. Talmon, J. Brender et al., On the quality of neural net classifiers, Artificial Intelligence in Medicine 6 (5) (1994) 359-381.

78.        M. Egmont-Petersen, J.L. Talmon, A. Hasman, Robustness metrics for measuring the influence of additive noise on the performance of statistical classifiers, International Journal of Medical Informatics 46 (2) (1997) 103-112.

79.        M. Egmont-Petersen, J.L. Talmon, A. Hasman et al., Assessing the importance of features for multi-layer receptrons, Neural Networks 11 (4) (1998) 623-635.

80.        M. Egmont-Petersen, W.R.M. Dassen, C.J.H.J. Kirchhof et al., An explanation facility for a neural network trained to predict arterial fibrillation directly after cardiac surgery, Proc. Computers in Cardiology 1998, Cleveland, 1998, pp. 489-492.

81.        M. Egmont-Petersen, E. Pelikan, Detection of bone tumours in radiographs using neural networks, Pattern Analysis and Applications 2 (2) (1999) 172-183.

82.        M. Egmont-Petersen, T. Arts, Recognition of radiopaque markers in X-ray images using a neural network as nonlinear filter, Pattern Recognition Letters 20 (5) (1999) 521-533.

83.        M. Egmont-Petersen, W.R.M. Dassen, J.H.C. Reiber, Sequential selection of discrete features for neural networks - a Bayesian approach to building a cascade, Pattern Recognition Letters 20 (11-13) (1999) 1439-1448.

84.        M. Egmont-Petersen, U. Schreiner, S.C. Tromp et al., Detection of leukocytes in contact with the vessel wall from in vivo microscope recordings using a neural network, IEEE Transactions on Biomedical Engineering 47 (7) (2000) 941-951.

85.        A.J. Einstein, J. Barba, P.D. Unger et al., Nuclear diffuseness as a measure of texture: definition and application to the computer-assisted diagnosis of parathyroid adenoma and carcinoma, Journal of Microscopy 176 (2) (1994) 158-166.

86.        F. Ercal, A. Chawla, W.V. Stoecker et al., Neural network diagnosis of malignant melanoma from color images, IEEE Transactions on Biomedical Engineering 41 (9) (1994) 837-845.

87.        W.-C. Fang, B.J. Sheu, O.T.-C. Chen et al., A VLSI neural processor for image data compression using self-organization networks, IEEE Transactions on Neural Networks 3 (3) (1992) 506-518.

88.        M.A.T. Figueiredo, J.M.N. Leitao, Sequential and parallel image restoration: Neural network implementations, IEEE Transactions on Image Processing 3 (6) (1994) 789-801.

89.        L.M.J. Florack, B.M. ter Haar Romeny, J.J. Koenderink et al., Scale and the differential structure of images, Image and Vision Computing 10 (6) (1992) 376-388.

90.        L.M.J. Florack, The syntactical structure of scalar images, thesis, Image Sciences Institute, Utrecht University, Utrecht, 1993.

91.        D.B. Fogel, An information criterion for optimal neural network selection, IEEE Transactions on Neural Networks 2 (5) (1991) 490-497.

92.        G.L. Foresti, G. Pieroni, Exploiting neural trees in range image understanding, Pattern Recognition Letters 19 (9) (1998) 869-878.

93.        M. Franzke, H. Handels, Topologische Merkmalskarten zur automatischen Mustererkennung in medizinischen Bilddaten, in: Informatik Aktuell, Mustererkennung 1992, 14. DAGM-Symposium, S. Fuchs and R. Hoffmann, eds., 1992, Springer Verlag, Heidelberg, pp. 329-334.

94.        M. Fukumi, S. Omatu, F. Takeda et al., Rotation-invariant neural pattern-recognition system with application to coin recognition, IEEE Transactions on Neural Networks 3 (2) (1992) 272-279.

95.        M. Fukumi, S. Omatu, Y. Nishikawa, Rotation-invariant neural pattern recognition system estimating a rotation angle, IEEE Transactions on Neural Networks 8 (3) (1997) 568-581.

96.        K. Fukunaga, Introduction to statistical pattern recognition, 2nd ed., Academic Press, New York, 1990.

97.        K. Fukushima, S. Miyake, T. Ito, Neocognitron: a neural model for a mechanism of visual pattern recognition, IEEE Transactions on Systems, Man and Cybernetics 13 (5) (1983) 826-834.

98.        K. Fukushima, Neocognitron: a hierarchical neural network capable of visual pattern recognition, Neural Networks 1 (2) (1988) 119-130.

99.        K.-I. Funahashi, On the approximate realization of continuous mappings by neural networks, Neural Networks 2 (3) (1989) 183-192.

100.    K.-I. Funahashi, Multilayer neural networks and Bayes decision theory, Neural Networks 11 (2) (1998) 209-213.

101.    M.D. Garris, C.L. Wilson, J.L. Blue, Neural network-based systems for handprint OCR applications, IEEE Transactions on Image Processing 7 (8) (1998) 1097-1112.

102.    S. Geman, E. Bienenstock, R. Doursat, Neural networks and the bias/variance dilemma, Neural Computation 4 (1) (1992) 1-58.

103.    S. Ghosal, R. Mehrotra, Range surface characterization and segmentation using neural networks, Pattern Recognition 28 (5) (1995) 711-727.

104.    A. Ghosh, N.R. Pal, S.K. Pal, Image segmentation using a neural network, Biological Cybernetics 66 (2) (1991) 151-158.

105.    A. Ghosh, S.K. Pal, Neural network, self-organization and object extraction, Pattern Recognition Letters 13 (5) (1992) 387-397.

106.    A. Ghosh, N.R. Pal, S.K. Pal, Object background classification using Hopfield type neural network, International Journal of Pattern Recognition and Artificial Intelligence 6 (5) (1992) 989-1008.

107.    A. Ghosh, N.R. Pal, S.K. Pal, Self-organization for object extraction using multilayer neural network and fuzziness measures, IEEE Transactions on Fuzzy Systems 1 (1) (1993) 54-68.

108.    A. Ghosh, Use of fuzziness measures in layered networks for object extraction: a generalization, Fuzzy Sets and Systems 72 (3) (1995) 331-348.

109.    G.L. Giles, T. Maxwell, Learning, invariance and generalization in higher-order neural networks, Applied Optics 26 (23) (1987) 4972-4978.

110.    J.O. Glass, W.E. Reddick, Hybrid artificial neural network segmentation and classification of dynamic contrast-enhanced MR imaging (DEMRI) of osteosarcoma, Magnetic Resonance Imaging 16 (9) (1998) 1075-1083.

111.    C. Goerick, D. Noll, M. Werner, Artificial neural networks in real-time car detection and tracking applications, Pattern Recognition Letters 17 (4) (1996) 335-343.

112.    L.S. Goodenday, K.J. Cios, I. Shin, Identifying coronary stenosis using an image-recognition neural network, IEEE Engineering in Medicine and Biology 16 (5) (1997) 139-144.

113.    M. Gori, F. Scarselli, A. Chung Tsoi, On the closure of the set of functions that can be realized by a given multilayer perceptron, IEEE Transactions on Neural Networks 9 (6) (1998) 1086-1098.

114.    H.P. Graf, C.R. Nohl, J. Ben, Image recognition with an analog neural net chip, Machine Vision and Applications 8 (2) (1995) 131-140.

115.    D. Greenhil, E.R. Davies, Relative effectiveness of neural networks for image noise suppression, Proc. Pattern Recognition in Practice IV, Vlieland, 1994, pp. 367-378.

116.    S. Grossberg, E. Mingolla, Neural dynamics of surface perception: boundary webs, illuminants, and shape from shading, Computer Vision, Graphics, and Image Processing 37 (1) (1987) 116-165.

117.    S. Grossberg, N.P. Mcloughlin, Cortical dynamics of three-dimensional surface perception - binocular and half-occluded scenic images, Neural Networks 10 (9) (1997) 1583-1605.

118.    M. Groß, F. Seibert, Visualization of multidimensional data sets using a neural network, The Visual Computer 10 (3) (1993) 145-159.

119.    L. Guan, J.A. Anderson, J.P. Sutton, A network of networks processing model for image regularization, IEEE Transactions on Neural Networks 8 (1) (1997) 169-174.

120.    A. Hakulinen, J. Hakkarainen, A neural network approach to quality control of padlock manufacturing, Pattern Recognition Letters 17 (4) (1996) 357-362.

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147.    K. Huang, H. Yan, Off-line signature verification based on geometric feature extraction and neural network classification, Pattern Recognition 30 (1) (1997) 9-17.

148.    T.L. Huntsberger, Biologically motivated cross-modality sensory fusion systems for automatic target recognition, Neural Networks 8 (7-8) (1995) 1215-1226.

149.    R.E. Hurst, R.B. Bonner, K. Ashenayi et al., Neural net-based identification of cells expressing the p300 tumor-related antigen using fluorescence image analysis, Cytometry 27 (1) (1997) 36-42.

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157.    T.M. Jørgensen, S.S. Christensen, A.W. Andersen, Detecting danger labels with RAM-based neural networks, Pattern Recognition Letters 17 (4) (1996) 399-412.

158.    P. Juell, R. Marsh, A hierarchical neural network for human face detection, Pattern Recognition 29 (5) (1996) 781-787.

159.    H. Kai, H. Yan, Off-line signature verification based on geometric feature extraction and neural network classification, Pattern Recognition 30 (1) (1997) 9-17.

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